
Project planning needs to be done very meticulously since it’s a long-term process and involves multiple teams and at times even reputation is at stake apart from financials.
The project required monitoring at every stage and also to keep eye on the budget since most of the time it is escalated due to various reasons. In most cases, it has been found that requirement changes due to various reasons like lack of knowledge of System Analyst or complete information of requirements are not provided resulting in re-work or changes in development work already done.
The project leader should have relevant experience and should be willing to learn as well as pass it on to the team members who are capable of understanding and delivering.
Documentation is a very important component since the same is required to be referred multiple times during development and for maintenance after implementation. In the absence of documentation clients also takes advantage by changing requirements/adding new requirements.
Following are key tasks of Project execution –
Establish a project team for project management. SWOT analysis is very important before selecting a team for a project. Always keep a backup resource in case of any emergency, escalation, or additional requirement.
Develop evaluation and approval processes for increased project ownership.
Develop comprehensive estimating templates for timely estimate preparation and for greater estimate confidence.
Develop a detailed budget so that the same can be controlled at every stage of a project and accuracy can be increased in case of short-term budgets as well as for the overall project.
Integrate project estimating and forecasting tools with financial accounting tools for improved project variance determination.
Presently hosted cloud-based software for health partners like Dentists, Dietitians, and General Practitioners, websites, portals, and consultancy for data mining.
Following Projects were Developed/delivered with various Development / Implementation Teams-:
A. Retail Banking & Core Banking Software – Banks and PACS
B. E-Public Distribution System – Food Department
C. Studied and developed Financial Inclusion Software – e-Shakti project
D. Development and delivery of e-PDS software on Hand-Held Devices – Madhya Pradesh Food Department pilot project
E. Development and delivery of Financial inclusion software on Hand Held devices
F. MIS Application for CDR Cell – Organisation constituted by R.B.I. and managed by Consortium of Nationalised & Private Banks
G. E-PSU Return – Property Return for PSU ( SAAS )
H. Logistic Management System on SAAS for Thailand based MNC
I. Fabric Management system for Leading retail chain of Stores
J. Education ERP for Colleges / Schools
K. University ERP for University Management
L. Accounting Software with MIS for Group of 11 Textile Mills ( PSU )
M. Credit Rating Software for SIDBI
N. Computerised branches of Mumbai Police ( Arms, Building, Theatre, Property Cell, etc. ) as well as Consultation for Maharashtra State Police
O. Developed software and implemented for S.T.F. ( Central Bureau of Investigation )
P. Retail Management Software for gas-distributing agencies ( H.P.C.L., B.P.C.L., and Shell gas)
Q. Managed Infrastructure Management System with a team of 100+ engineers catering to customers across India
R. Studied e-governance projects and did a presentation to Secretaries and department officers in various Government Departments of different states
S. Single-handedly completed orders of Madhya Pradesh PDS pilot, Human Capital ( HRIMS ) for Ulhasnagar Municipal Corporation, and NREGS for Gadchiroli District.
T. Headed C.R.M. Department for School / College SAAS solution for Schools and colleges
U. Headed Business Consulting Group for pre-sales activities and implementation of Projects post-acquisition.
V. Heading ‘Mahashramm’ Labor Management System project implemented across Maharashtra State
W. Managed UID Project for Maharashtra state comprising of 54 Schedules
X. Panel member of Income Tax for about four years ( 1996 – 1999 )
Y. Conducted online exams for SNDT University for about 90 centers
Z. Financial Accounting as well as Sales Accounting system for the largest housing project of Asia ( 15,000 flats Complex ) This was developed in 1992 on UNIX OS ( Software was developed in COBOL ).